Dedicated to Torah...
The primary focus of the Limudei Kodesh curriculum is to develop the skills and ability necessary for independent learning of Gemara, Rashi, Tosafos and Meforshim. In addition, proficiency in all areas of Torah including Halacha, Mussar and Hashkafa are emphasized.
The primary focus of the Limudei Kodesh curriculum is to develop the skills and ability necessary for independent learning with a primary focus placed on Gemara, Rishonim, Achronim and other Meforshim.
Our goal is not merely completion of the material, rather to give our students the methodologies, skills, and techniques necessary to succeed in meaningful, in-depth learning on their own. Additionally, an integral part of our Gemara curriculum includes a well developed Bekiyus program. In order to gain a working knowledge and broad overview of any mesechta, a number of dafim must be covered. In addition, Bekiyus learning, with its focus on Gemara and Rashi, aides our students in the development of “laining” skills necessary for independent learning. Lastly, the Yeshiva encourages all the boys to be misayeim and retain their knowledge of the Masechta. This gives them a tremendous sense of accomplishment and pride in their learning that will stay with them through life.
Since growth in Limud HaTorah and Middos Tovos are inseparable, the Yeshiva places a strong emphasis on Mussar. This is achieved through a daily Mussar seder which is passionately taught by the Rebbeim as well as a weekly mussar shmuz that instills in the bochurim the ideals and “musagim” of the grandeur, beauty, and middos tovos of a true Ben Torah.
The Yeshiva’s Chumash initiative equips students with the knowledge of Chumash and Rashi. Bochurim must learn and review large portions of the Chumash-Rashi of each week’s Sedra and are tested on it weekly.
Halacha is the cornerstone of our daily lives and it is an integral part of our curriculum. A CCLA bochur will learn a great amount of Mishna Berura over his four years in the Yeshiva. Additionally, students are not only trained to master the piskei halacha of both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Minhagim, but also to acquire the skills necessary to be able to understand and apply their knowledge to real life settings and common occurrences.