How to Apply

We invite you to apply to Chofetz Chaim Los Angeles Affiliate for your son’s continuing chinuch.

To begin the application process, please click on the “TADS Online Application” below to create your TADS Account and begin your online application.

Click here - TADS Online Application

TADS will act as your parent portal for submitting applications, required documentation, acceptance statuses and more.

To complete the application process, the following steps will need to be completed:

  • We must receive copies of BOTH the applicant’s most recent report card and the final report card from your son’s last complete year of school. These forms must be submitted to the School via TADS or mailed to the school office.

  • The applicant must have an interview and Gemara test with the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Shimon Ishal.

  • The applicant must take a written aptitude test, English test, and math test.

  • A $100 non-refundable application fee must be paid at the end of your TADS Application.

Applicants will generally be informed of the Yeshiva’s decision within two weeks of completing the entire application process.

You will receive your acceptance letter from the Yeshiva, through TADS. Once accepted, you will receive instructions regarding the next steps towards enrollment for the coming school year.

When to Apply

Chofetz Chaim Los Angeles Affiliate encourages families to begin the application process early. The application deadline is February 7th.


If you have any questions regarding the application process, please email or call 310-341-0186 x 102

To find out more about Chofetz Chaim Los Angeles Affiliate, please call us at (310) 274-9800.